2025 Student Leadership Conference (SLC)
Conference Information & Activities
The one-day conference will include three nationally known keynote speakers, a tour of the venue, and participation in the Rule the Road project engagement. Lunch will be provided.
Date and Location
TBA at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Driven by Rule the Road
Member schools are encouraged to send student-athletes, who have demonstrated leadership skills, or have potential for leadership roles. The first 1,000 applicants will be accepted for this year’s conference. Student- athletes entering grades 9 through 12 for the 2024 Fall Semester are eligible to register.
Registration coming soon.
Schools must register online and may register up to 25 student-athletes. Each school group must be accompanied by at least one adult supervisor. Up to two adult supervisors may accompany their student-athletes, free of charge, if four or more students are attending. The registration fee is $53.00 per student-athlete. The deadline for online registration is when the first 1,000 applicants are registered or Friday, May 31st. Only electronic submissions are accepted.
No refunds once registration is finalized and submitted.
Print and distribute the registration student packet to each student-athlete attending the conference. Once completed by the student-athletes, upload the information onto myIHSAA (Events tab-search Student Leadership Conference).
Payment is either credit card or PO. If paying by PO/check, on the shopping cart page, use promo code: PO-SLC2025. If you get to the checkout page, you have gone too far. Finalize the registration and the next page will allow you to insert the promo code on the right-hard corner. The balance will reflect paid so registration can be completed. Mail only a check (if paying with PO), payable to IHSAA.
Electronic Consent Forms:
Each student-athlete must have completed both electronic consent forms prior to attendance. Only electronic submissions are accepted.

*Breakout Sessions will return for future SLCs.
Each student-athlete will hear three nationally known keynote speakers, tour the venue, and participate in the Rule the Road project engagement.
Rule the Road, through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, will offer participants an opportunity to practice lifesaving skills on a closed course with certified instructors. It will also reinforce and reaffirm safe driving practices through various activities including not driving impaired or distracted, hazard recognition, vehicle handling, space management, and speed management. For more information, please visit: https://www.in.gov/cji/traffic-safety/teens/rule-the-road/.
*Due to the unique format of the 2025 SLC, the College Fair will return for future SLCs.
Colleges and universities will be invited to take part in the conference. During the lunch periods, all participants will have the opportunity to gather information on post-secondary education from admissions representatives.
A t-shirt exchange will take place during lunch! Participants (adults and student-athletes) are encouraged to bring a school t-shirt to exchange with student-athletes from other schools. Bring multiple shirts for multiple exchanges!!
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