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IHSAA Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (12-2-2024)

Posted: December 2, 2024

IHSAA Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (12/2/24)

"Promoting Education Based Athletics in Indiana"


Participating in sports teaches athletes about communication skills they will use for a lifetime.  Student-athletes communicate with their coaches, officials, teammates and teachers regularly.  

What stands out to me as I interact with young athletes are those who look me in the eye, acknowledge me and can engage in a short conversation.  It stands out because far too many young kids today do not know how to interact with adults outside of those I mentioned.  

Part of the maturation process for students is learning how to address and communicate with all the other adults in their life.  There is likely a community of adults who support the athletes and attend their events, cheer for them and likely have never met them.  There are others, like teachers, administrators, lunch workers, bus drivers and custodians that you need to acknowledge as well.

My challenge to every student-athlete is to say "hi", make eye contact and greet the adults you see on a daily basis.  At your sporting event, thank the adults you know and do not know for coming, wave to them, and acknowledge them.

Learning to communicate and develop relationships with those you know and do not know will provide you valuable life skills that will pay off as you graduate and pursue a career!



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