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IHSAA Student Athlete Tip of the Week (11-7-22)

Posted: November 7, 2022

IHSAA Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (11-7-22)

"Promoting Education Based Athletics in Indiana"

Athletes today have all kinds of training tools and individual trainers and coaches to help them develop their skills.  But that can only take you so far--it is what you do with that training that separates the good players from the potentially great players.

Do you take the initiative for self-development seriously?  I have often said that it is what athletes do when no one is watching that really counts.  In other words, those who spend the most time practicing on their own after all the training is over have the best chance of making it.

Very few high school athletes are fully developed physically, and I would say all have the opportunity of further developing their skill and ability in their sport.  What sets the athletes apart is their commitment to reaching their maximum potential.  That is the case in any aspect of your life--work, social or athletics.  How much time and effort are you willing to give to achieve your goal?


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